
  • Assistant Malešević at the EASST-4S conference

    From July 16 to 19, the EASST-4S conference was held at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and our assistant from the Digital Healthcare Ethics Laboratory (Digit-HeaL), Anamaria Malešević, participated. Assistant Malešević presented a paper titled The Human Touch in Medical AI: The Potential of Patient & Public Involvement, co-authored with Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anto Čartolovni. She was […]

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  • Asistentica Malešević na EASST-4S konferenciji

    Od 16. do 19. srpnja na Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam održala se EASST-4S konferencija na kojoj je sudjelovala asistentica iz Laboratorija za etiku digitalnih tehnologija u zdravstvu Digit-HeaL, Anamaria Malešević. Asistentica Malešević predstavila je rad pod nazivom The Human touch in Medical AI: The Potential of Patient & Public involvement u koautorstvu s izv. prof. dr. […]

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  • Our assistant Anamaria Malešević has defended her doctoral dissertation

    Anamaria Malešević, an assistant at the Digital Healthcare Ethics Laboratory (Digit-HeaL), defended her doctoral dissertation titled Digital Health in Croatia: expectations, challenges and implementation at the Catholic University of Croatia on July 10. The dissertation was supervised by Assoc. Prof. Anto Čartolovni from the Catholic University of Croatia and Assoc. Prof. Ivan Balabanić from the […]

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  • Doktorirala naša asistentica Anamaria Malešević

    Anamaria Malešević, asistentica u Laboratoriju za etiku digitalnih tehnologija u zdravstvu (Digit-HeaL),  10. srpnja obranila je doktorsku disertaciju pod nazivom Digitalno zdravstvo u Hrvatskoj: očekivanja, izazovi i implementacija na Hrvatskom katoličkom sveučilištu. Doktorski rad pisan je pod mentorstvom izv. prof. dr. sc. Ante Čartolovnog s Hrvatskog katoličkog sveučilišta i izv. prof. dr. sc. Ivana Balabanića […]

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  • Assistant Poslon on the challenges of using xAI in healthcare

    During his three-month research stay at the High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HRLS) at the University of Stuttgart, our assistant Luka Poslon examined the interaction between artificial intelligence and humans in the context of healthcare as part of the Outbound Mobility of Research Assistants (MOBDOK-2023). You can find an interview with assistant Poslon on the challenges […]

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  • Asistent Poslon o izazovima upotrebe objašnjive umjetne inteligencije u zdravstvenoj skrbi

    Naš asistent Luka Poslon u sklopu programa Odlazne mobilnosti asistenata (MOBDOK-2023) na High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HRLS) na Sveučilištu u Stuttgartu održao je tromjesečni istraživački boravak gdje je proučavao međuodnos umjetne inteligencije i čovjeka u kontekstu zdravstvene skrbi. Na sljedećim poveznicama pročitajte razgovor s asistentom Poslonom na njemačkom i engleskom jeziku o izazovima upotrebe objašnjive umjetne inteligencije […]

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  • PhD fellows from Digit-HeaL at HHAI Summer School

    The HHAI (Hybrid Human AI) Summer School is taking place in Malmö, Sweden, from June 10 to June 14 in which students can investigate and learn more about how people and intelligent systems cooperate through a variety of lectures and workshops. The main objective of the HHAI Summer School is to provide a variety of […]

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  • Digit-HeaL asistenti na HHAI ljetnoj školi

    Od 10. do 14. lipnja 2024. u švedskom gradu Malmö održava se HHAI (Hybrid Human AI) ljetna škola. Kroz različita predavanja i radionice, studenti imaju priliku istražiti i naučiti više o suradnji između čovjeka i inteligentnih sustava. Primarni cilj navedene ljetne škole je prikazati niz uzbudljivih najnovijih dostignuća u razvojnom području Hybrid Human-Artificial Intelligence. Organizator […]

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  • Asistent Poslon na TU Darmstadt

    Za vrijeme boravka u sklopu programa Odlazne mobilnosti asistenata (MOBDOK-2023) na HLRS-u u Stuttgartu asistent Poslon održao je sastanak s prof. dr. sc. Andreasom Kaminskim, profesorom filozofije znanosti i tehnologije na Tehničkom sveučilištu u Darmstadtu na Odsjeku za filozofiju koji je i osnivač Odsjeka za filozofiju računalnih znanosti na HLRS-u na Sveučilištu u Stuttgartu. Tema […]

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  • Assistant Poslon at TU Darmstadt

    During the research stay at HLRS in Stuttgart, assistant Poslon met prof. dr. Andreas Kaminski, Professor of Philosophy of Science and Technology at the Technical University of Darmstadt at the Philosophy Department, and founder of the Department for the Philosophy of Computational Science at HLRS at University of Stuttgart. The topic of discussion was epistemology […]

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Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište