
  • Asst. Prof Čartolovni participated in the kick-off event of the PARADISE project (ERA PerMed)

    Trinity College Dublin (TCD) is hosting the kick-off event of the PARADISE project this week from the 3rd to the 4th of April in Dublin. The PARADISE project (PersonAlisation of RelApse risk in autoimmune DISEase) aims to develop a personalised tool for predicting the risk of relapse of the disease so that medication dosages can […]

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  • Doc. dr. sc. Čartolovni na predstavljanju projekta PARADISE (ERA PerMed)

    Trinity College Dublin (TCD) domaćin je prvog sastanka i susreta konzorcijskih partnera na PARADISE projektu koji se održava ovaj tjedan od 3. do 4. travnja u Dublinu. Projekt PARADISE (PersonAlisation of RelApse risk in autoimmune DISEase) ima za cilj razviti personalizirani alat za predviđanje rizika od recidiva bolesti kod pacijenta, kako bi se doziranja lijekova […]

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  • On Monday 16th of January 2023, the head of our research group, Anto Čartolovni, spoke about the ethics of artificial intelligence on the Croatian Radio and Television program “Meeting in Dialog”. The program’s editor is Blaženka Jančić, and speaking alongside were Deputy Mufti Mevludi Arslani of the Mosque of the Islamic Community in the Republic […]

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  • Susret u dijalogu – Radijsko gostovanje Ante Čartolovnog

    U ponedjeljak 16. 1. 2023. godine je voditelj naše istraživačke grupe doc. dr. sc. Anto Čartolovni u sklopu emisije “Susret u dijalogu” na Hrvatskoj radioteleviziji govorio o etici umjetne inteligencije. Urednica emisije je Blaženka Jančić, a uz našeg voditelja govorili su i zamjenik muftije Mevludi ef. Arslani iz Mešihata Islamske zajednice u RH te rabin […]

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  • Research results presentation through animated videos

    From June to December 2021, the Digital Healthcare Ethics Laboratory (Digit-HeaL) conducted large-scale qualitative research with key stakeholders in the Croatian healthcare system on the use of digital technologies in healthcare. Patients, physicians, engineers, lawyers, policymakers, and managers of healthcare institutions participated in the extensive research, 75 people in total. With the aim of popularizing […]

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  • Prikaz rezultata istraživanja kroz animirane videozapise

    Laboratorij za etiku digitalnih tehnologija u zdravstvu (Digit-HeaL), od lipnja do prosinca 2021. godine proveo je veliko kvalitativno istraživanje s ključnim dionicima hrvatskog zdravstvenog sustava na temu korištenja digitalnih tehnologija u zdravstvu. Istraživanje je uključilo pacijente, liječnike, inženjere, pravnike, donositelje javnih politika i rukovoditelje zdravstvenih institucija, ukupno 75 sudionika. Tako opsežno istraživanje urodilo je bogatstvom […]

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  • Digit-HeaL on “The Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference”

    The Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference organized by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, and the Regional Studies Association Europe, together with the Croatian Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds is taking place in Zagreb, Croatia from November 14 to 16, 2022. On the second conference day, team member Ana […]

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  • Digit-HeaL na “Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference”

    U organizaciji Europske komisije, Glavne uprave za regionalnu i urbanu politiku (GU REGIO), Regional Studies Association Europe i Ministarstva regionalnoga razvoja i fondova Europske unije u Zagrebu se održava konferencija pod nazivom Third Joint EU Cohesion Policy Conference od 14. do 16. studenog 2022. godine. Na drugom danu konferencije, u ime istraživačkog tima Digit-HeaL, dr. […]

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  • Doctoral student from the Digit-HeaL laboratory attend an international scientific conference in Slovenia

    Doctoral student Luka Poslon from the Digital Healthcare Ethics (Digit-HeaL) laboratory attended the international scientific conference “Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies”, hosted by the Centre for Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence and Ethics of New Technologies and the Faculty of Theology of the University of Ljubljana on 25 October 2022. The international scientific conference […]

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  • Doktorand Digit-HeaL laboratorija na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji u Sloveniji

    Naš doktorand iz Laboratorija za etiku digitalnih tehnologija u zdravstvu Luka Poslon sudjelovao je na međunarodnoj znanstvenoj konferenciji u Sloveniji „Ethical Challenges of Artificial Intelligence and New Technologies“ koja se održala 25. listopada 2022. godine u Ljubljani (Slovenija), u organizaciji Centre for Human-Centred Artificial Intelligence and the Ethics of New Technologies i Teološkog fakulteta Sveučilišta […]

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Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište