Na 26. bienalnoj konferenciji International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development održanoj od 19. do 23. lipnja na grčkom otoku Rodosu predstavili smo rad „Ignoriran sam i ljut! – Dječja percepcija iskustva ometanja tehnologijom u odnosu roditelj dijete”. Cilj rada je bio ispitati dječja iskustva ometanja tehnologijom u interakcijama s roditeljima. Provedeni su  intervjui s 31 djetetom (16 djevojčica) u dobi od 4 do 8 godina te 9 fokus grupa s 30 djece (13 djevojčica) u dobi od 9 do 15 godina. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da djeca doživljavaju, primjećuju i prepoznaju ometanje tehnologijom u svakodnevnim interakcijama s roditeljima te da zbog roditeljske upotrebe uređaja i ometanja doživljavaju negativne emocije. 

[Technoference in parent-child relationship ]

At the 26th Biennial conference of the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development held from June 19 to 23 on the Greek island of Rhodes we presented a paper ”I am ignored, and I feed angry! – Children’s perception and experience of technoference in the parent-child relationship”. The aim of the study was to examine children’s experiences of technology interference in the parent-child relationship.  Interviews were conducted with 31 children (16 girls) aged 4 to 8 years and 9 focus groups included 30 children (13 girls) aged 9 to 15 years. The results of this study show that children experience, notice and recognize technology interference in daily parent-child interactions due to parents’ use of devices, and as a result experience negative emotions.

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