Znanstveni rad naših suradnica Ane Žulec, Marine Merkaš i Vanese Varge pod nazivom „Screen-based activities among children in Croatia: A media diary approach“ objavljen je u časopisu Journal of Psychological and Educational Research (http://www.marianjournals.com/book/volume-31-issue-1-2023/). Rad je nastao na temelju istraživanja s djecom, provedenog dnevničkom metodom, u sklopu projekta D.E.C.I.D.E. kojeg financira Hrvatska zaklada za znanost i Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište.
U radu se opisuju aktivnosti i razlozi korištenja uređaja digitalne tehnologije, te se utvrđuju dobne razlike u tim aspektima korištenja digitalne tehnologije. Podaci su prikupljeni novokonstuiranim dnevnikom medija („Moj dnevnik korištenja medija“) koji je ispunilo 60 djece u dobi od 4 do 15 godina. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju kako djeca u prosjeku u aktivnostima na uređajima digitalne tehnologije provode više od preporučenog vremena za njihovu dob, posebno starija djeca, te da su preferirani uređaji digitalne tehnologije televizor i pametni telefon, neovisno o dobi. Djeca uređaje digitalne tehnologije najčešće koriste kako bi gledala sadržaj (mlađa djeca) i igrala igrice (starija djeca). Neovisno o dobi djece, najčešći razlog za korištenje digitalne tehnologije je zabava. Nalazi su raspravljeni u okviru Neo-ekološke teorije (Navarro i Tudge, 2022).
The scientific paper of our colleagues Ana Žulec, Marina Merkaš and Vanesa Varga entitled “Screen-based activities among children in Croatia: A media diary approach” was published in the Journal of Psychological and Educational Research (http://www.marianjournals.com/book/volume-31-issue-1-2023/). The work was created on the basis of research with children, conducted using the diary method, as part of the D.E.C.I.D.E. project financed by the Croatian Science Foundation and the Catholic University of Croatia.
The paper describes dominant screen-based activities (SBAs) and dominant devices and reasons for SBAs in children and explores the age differences in these aspects of SBAs. The data was collected through a newly constructed media diary (“My media diary”), which was filled out by 60 children aged 4 to 15 years. The results of the research show that children on average spend more time in SBAs than is recommended for their age, especially older children, and that the preferred devices are the television and smartphone, regardless of age. The most common SBAs in children are watching (younger children) and playing (older children). Regardless of the age of the children, the most common reason for SBAs was to have fun. The findings are discussed within the framework of Neo-ecological theory (Navarro and Tudge, 2022).
Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište