

  • Žulec, A. (2022). Povezanost nekih obilježja dječjeg korištenja pametnog telefona i školskog uspjeha kod djece. [Paper presentation]. DANI DOKTORANADA 2022.: Obrazovne perspektive i perspektive obrazovanja.
  • Žulec, A., Varga, V., Bodrožić Selak, M., Merkaš, M. (2022). “Digitalna tehnologija u obitelji: obrasci ponašanja i učinci na razvoj djece” – prikaz rezultata kvalitativnih istraživanja s djecom i roditeljima. [Paper presentation]. Djeca i digitalne tehnologije.
  • Žulec, A., Varga, V., Štefanić, L. (2022). Children’s and parents’ perspectives on the effects of children’s digital technology use. Interacting with computers
  • Varga, V. & Kotrla Topić, M. (2022) Children’s motivation for digital technology use; parents and children’s perspective. Primenjena psihologija, 15(3), 305-326.
  • Perić, K., Varga, V., Kotrla Topić, M., Merkaš, M. (2022). Pregled istraživanja o povezanosti korištenja digitalne tehnologije i razvoja djece (Review of research on the relationship between digital technology use and child development). Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja. 31 (2022), 2; 343-363.
  • Varga, V. i Kotrla Topić, M. (2022). Children’s motivation for digital technology use; parents and children’s perspective. Primenjena psihologija, 15(3), 305-326.
  • Perić Pavišić, K., Merkaš, M., Žulec, A., Varga, V., Bodrožić Selak, M., Kotrla Topić, M., Rusan, M., Radusinović, L. (2022). Relationship between parental mediation and problematic Internet use in adolescents. (Povezanost roditeljske medijacije i problematičnog korištenja interneta kod adolescenata). [Poster presentation].  European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference (EARA, 2022), Diverse & Digital, Dublin, Irska.
  • Bodrožić Selak, M., Merkaš, M., Žulec, A., Varga, V., Kotrla Topić, M., Perić Pavišić, K., Rusan, M., Radusinović, L. (2022) Can I use it? No! – Parental mediation, the quality of the parent-adolescent relationship, and conflicts about adolescents’ smartphone use (Mogu li ga koristiti? Ne! – Roditeljska medijacija, kvaliteta odnosa roditelj-adolescent i konflikti zbog adolescentskog korištenja pametnog telefona). [Poster presentation].  European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference (EARA, 2022), Diverse & Digital, Dublin, Irska.
  • Merkaš, M., Žulec, A., Varga, V., Bodrožić Selak, M., Kotrla Topić, M., Perić, K., Štefanić, L., & Jelovčić, S. (2022, June 19-23). I am ignored, and i feel angry! – children’s perception and experience of technoference in the parent-child relationship.  (Ignoriran sam i ljut! – dječja percepcija iskustva ometanja tehnologijom u odnosu roditelj-dijete). [Poster presentation]. The 26th Biennial Meeting of the ISSBD, International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Rhodes, Greece.
  • Varga V., Merkaš, M., Žulec, A., Bodrožić Selak, M., Kotrla Topić M., Perić, K., Štefančić, L., & Jelovčić, S. (2022, June 19-23). The Association of Smartphone use with Children’s Well-being and School Achievement. (Povezanost korištenja mobitela sdobrobiti i školskim uspjehom djece). [Poster presentation]. The 26th Biennial Meeting of the ISSBD, International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Rhodes, Greece.
  • Žulec, A., Varga, V., & Merkaš, M. (2022, June 19-23). Is my digital device bringing me down? The association of digital technology use in children and their daily mood. (Deprimira li me moj uređaj? – Povezanost korištenja digitalne tehnologije kod djece s njihovim dnevnim raspoloženjem) [Poster presentation]. The 26th Biennial Meeting of the ISSBD, International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development, Rhodes, Greece.


  • Perić, K., Jelovčić, S., Kotrla Topić, M., Merkaš, M., Štefanić, L., Varga V., & Žulec, A. (2021, December 9-11). Roditeljska medijacija dječjeg korištenja digitalnih uređaja: „…ja ga uvijek moram od toga odmicati. (Parental mediation of children’s digital technology use: „…I always have to move him away from it.“) [Paper presentation]. The 3rd International Scientific Conference of Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Croatia: Coping with Crisis – Pathways towards Resilience, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Žulec, A., Varga, V., Merkaš, M., Jelovčić, S., Kotrla Topić, M., Perić, K., & Štefanić, L. (2021, November 10-13). Korištenje digitalnih uređaja među djecom – Što nam pokazuju podatci iz dječjih dnevnika medija?. (Use of digital devices among children – What do data from children’s media diaries show us?) [Paper presentation]. 28th Annual Conference of Croatian Psychologists Challenges of contemporary life – how can psychologists help?, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Merkaš, M. (2021, November 10-13). Zaključna razmatranja s okruglog stola „Korištenje digitalne tehnologije među djecom u Hrvatskoj: izazovi i mogućnosti“. (Concluding remarks from the round table “Digital technology use among children in Croatia: challenges and opportunities”).  28th Annual Conference of Croatian Psychologists Challenges of contemporary life – how can psychologists help?, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Žulec, A., Štefanić, L., Merkaš, M., Jelovčić, S., Kotrla Topić, M., Perić, K., & Varga, V. (2021, December 9-11). What consequences of children’s digital device use see parents and children? – a focus group approach [Poster presentation]. The 3rd International Scientific Conference of Department of Psychology, Catholic University of Croatia: Coping with Crisis – Pathways towards Resilience, Zagreb, Croatia.
  • Merkaš, M., Perić, K., & Žulec, A. (2021). Parent Distraction with Technology and Child Social Competence during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Role of Parental Emotional Stability. Journal of Family Communication, 21(3), 1-19. doi:10.1080/15267431.2021.1931228
  • Merkaš, M., Kotrla Topić, M.Varga, V., Žulec, A., Perić K., Jelovčić, S. & Štefanić, L. (2021) Moj dnevnik korištenja medija. (My Media Diary). 1-25.

  • Kotrla Topić, M., Perić, K., & Merkaš, M. (2021). Parental mediation and rules for children’s digital technology use during spring 2020 lockdown in Croatia. International Journal of Psychiatry and Mental Health, 3, 16-24.
  • Kotrla Topić, M., Varga, V., & Jelovčić, S. (2021). Digital Technology Use during the COVID-19 Pandemic and Its Relations to Sleep Quality and Life Satisfaction in Children and Parents. Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja, 30(2), 249-269. doi:10.5559/di.30.2.04
  • Varga, V., Kotrla Topić, M., Jelovčić, S., & Merkaš, M.​ (2021, July 22-25). Children’s motivation for digital media use [Paper presentation]. The European Conference on Media, Communication & Film (EuroMedia), London, United Kingdom.
  • Kotrla Topić, M., Jelovčić, S., Merkaš, M., Perić, K., Štefanić, L., Varga, V., & Žulec, A. (2021, September 10th). Parents’ and children’s perspective on rules for digital technology use in the family [Paper presentation]. EADP Summer Tour September 2021. Developmental trends: concerns and opportunities, Poland



  • Brdovčak, B., Jelovčić, S., Kotrla Topić, M., Žitković, V., Merkaš, M., Perić, K., & Varga, V. (2020, October 1-3). Ometanje digitalnom tehnologijom u roditelja i dobrobit djece i roditelja tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19 (Digital technology technoference in parents and child and parent wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic) [Poster presentation]. 22nd Psychology Days in Zadar, Zadar, Croatia.
  • Balaž, B., Jelovčić, S., Kotrla Topić, M., Žitković, V., Merkaš, M., Perić, K., & Varga, V. (2020). Rezultati istraživanja “Korištenje digitalne tehnologije u obitelji” tijekom pandemije bolesti COVID-19 (Research results “Digital technology use in the family” during the COVID-19 pandemic.) [Poster presentation]. (
  • Jelovčić, S., Merkaš, M., Perić, K., Varga, V., Žulec, A., & Štefanić, L. (2020). Rezultati online istraživanja “Mišljenje studenata o korištenju digitalne tehnologije” (Research results “Student opinions on the use of digital technology use”) [Poster presentation]. (


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