Danas se obilježava Svjetski dan djece (20. studeni), a riječ je o UNICEF-ovom projektu koji je ove godine u znaku pandemije bolesti COVID-19. UNICEF na svojim internetskim stranicama poziva djecu da obilježe ovaj dan crtežima boljeg svijeta, a roditelje, učitelje i vlade da zaštite djecu u ovim izazovnim vremenima. Više informacija na poveznici: https://www.unicef.org/world-childrens-day
U skladu s ovom temom, suradnice našeg projekta sudjelovale su na online stručnom skupu pod nazivom ,,Pandemija COVID-19 i mentalno zdravlje djece i adolescenata: prijetnja i prilika‟ u organizaciji Poliklinike za zaštitu djece i mladih grada Zagreba. Skup se održao 13. studenog te je okupio gotovo 1000 sudionika. Predavači su istaknuli kako su djeca i mladi ranjiva skupina za nepovoljne razvojne ishode tijekom pandemije. Posebna zanimljivost bila je čuti kako su vještine korištenja digitalne tehnologije prepoznate kao jedan od zaštitnih čimbenika za razvoj psiholoških poteškoća tijekom pandemije. Više informacija na poveznici.
Today we are celebrating World Children’s Day (November 20th). It is a UNICEF project that is this year marked by a pandemic of COVID-19 disease. On its website, UNICEF invites children to mark this day with drawings of a better world, and parents, teachers, and governments to protect children in these challenging times. More information can be found here: https://www.unicef.org/world-childrens-day
In alignment with this topic, our project associates participated in an online expert conference titled “COVID-19 pandemic and mental health of children and adolescents: threat and opportunity” organized by the Child and Youth Protection Center of Zagreb. The conference was held on November 13th and has gathered nearly 1000 participants. The lecturers pointed out that children and young people are a vulnerable group for adverse mental health outcomes during the pandemic. It was interesting to hear how children’s digital skills are perceived as one of the protective factors regarding the development of psychological problems during the pandemic. More information can be found here.
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