Drago nam je obavijestiti Vas kako je rad članica istraživačke grupe Marine Kotrle Topić, Vanese Varga i Sare Jelovčić pod naslovom „Digital technology use during COVID-19 pandemic and its relations to sleep quality and life satisfaction in children and parents“ objavljen u tematskom broju „Psihosocijalni aspekti pandemije COVID 19“ znanstvenog časopisa Društvena istraživanja (br. 2/2021).
Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bio ispitati obilježja korištenja digitalne tehnologije (DT), kvalitete spavanja (KS) i zadovoljstva životom (ZŽ) te korelacije između ovih varijabli kod djece i roditelja tijekom restriktivnih mjera u Hrvatskoj, odnosno između 15. ožujka i 18. svibnja 2020. U online upitniku, 281 roditelj djece (3 do 14 godina) procijenio je vrijeme korištenja DT za različite aktivnosti tijekom pandemije COVID-19 u usporedbi s vremenom prije te pandemije, vrijeme korištenja različitih digitalnih uređaja tijekom tipičnoga dana i kvalitetu spavanja za sebe i svoje dijete, kao i osobno ZŽ. Rezultati su pokazali kako korištenje DT tijekom restriktivnih mjera nema isti obrazac povezanosti sa KS kod roditelja i djece. Za roditelje nema značajne povezanosti između korištenja DT i KS te postoji pozitivna povezanost između nekih načina korištenja DT i ZŽ. Kod djece je dulje korištenje pametnih telefona za zabavu bilo negativno povezano sa KS. Rezultati pozivaju na oprez prilikom dopuštanja duljeg vremena korištenja DT za djecu, čak i tijekom restriktivnih mjera uslijed pandemija COVID-19.
We are pleased to inform you that the work of members of the research group Marine Kotrle Topić, Vanese Varga, and Sare Jelovčić entitled „Digital technology use during COVID-19 pandemic and its relations to sleep quality and life satisfaction in children and parents “ has been published in the thematic issue “Psychosocial aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic” of the journal Društvena istraživanja (no. 2/2021).
This research aimed to examine the characteristics of digital technology (DT) use, sleep quality (SQ), and the correlations between these variables in children and parents, during the lockdown in Croatia or the period between March 16th and May 18th, 2020. Furthermore, it aimed to investigate parental life satisfaction (LS) and its relation to DT use. In an online questionnaire, 281 parents of children (3 to 14 years), provided information about time spent in different activities that involve DT use during the COVID-19 pandemic compared to before the pandemic, the duration of use for different digital devices in a typical day, and SQ for themselves and their children, as well as estimates of personal LS. Results showed that the relationship between DT use and SQ during lockdown differs between parents and children. The longer time spent using DT devices was not negatively related to SQ in parents, and longer time spent on smartphones was positively associated with parents’ LS. In children, prolonged use of smartphones for leisure is negatively linked to SQ. These results call for caution in allowing children longer screen time, even during lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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