U periodu između 5. i 9. srpnja 2021., doktorandica na našem projektu Ana Žulec, pohađala je ljetnu školu na Utrecht Summer School (https://utrechtsummerschool.nl/) pod nazivom Introduction to Structural Eqation Modeling using Mplus. Predavanja tijekom ljetne škole bila su usmjerena prema teorijskim objašnjenjima strukturalnog modeliranja, faktorske i regresijske analize te strukturalnog modeliranja u longitudinalnim studijama, dok su vježbe bile usmjerene na praktičnu primjenu stečenih znanja u Mplus programu. Ovim usavršavanjem u naš istraživački tim su donesena nova znanja i vještine koje će biti korisne za buduća istraživanja unutar našeg projekta!

Between July 5 and 9, 2021, Ana Žulec, a doctoral student on our project, attended a summer school at Utrecht Summer School (https://utrechtsummerschool.nl/) called Introduction to Structural Equation Modeling using Mplus. Lectures during the summer school were focused on theoretical explanations of structural modeling, factor and regression analysis, and structural modeling in longitudinal studies, while the exercises were focused on the practical application of acquired knowledge in the Mplus program. With this training, new knowledge and skills have been brought to our research team that will be useful for future research within our project!
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