Predstavljamo vam našu novu suradnicu na projektu doktorandicu Mateu Bodrožić Selak. Matea je doktorandica na poslijediplomskom sveučilišnom doktorskom studiju „Prevencijska znanost i studij invaliditeta“ na Edukacijsko – rehabilitacijskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Diplomski studij Psihologije završila je u veljači 2020. godine na Odjelu za psihologiju Sveučilišta u Zadru obranom diplomskoga rada pod nazivom „Neki prediktori nomofobije“. Tijekom studentskih dana aktivno je sudjelovala u brojnim studentskim i izvannastavnim aktivnostima te je bila demonstratorica na Katedri za kliničku i zdravstvenu psihologiju. Suradnica je na istraživačko-edukativnom projektu „Pandemija i ja, psihološki aspekti krize izazvane pandemijom virusa COVID-19“ te je radila s djecom s posebnim potrebama i problemima u ponašanju u Centru za odgoj i obrazovanje Juraj Bonači u Splitu. Njeni interesi su u području razvojne i kliničke psihologije. Rad na projektu Matea vidi kao izvrsnu priliku za, prije svega, suradnju s odličnim timom, a potom i usavršavanje, odnosno daljnje stjecanje znanja i razvijanje vještina.

We present our new associate on the project, doctoral student Matea Bodrožić Selak. Matea is a doctoral student at the Postgraduate doctoral study “Prevention Science and Disability Study” at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Zagreb. She has obtained the academic title of Master of Psychology in 2020 at the Department of Psychology, University of Zadar, defending her thesis entitled “Some Predictors of Nomophobia”. During her studies, she has actively participated in numerous scientific research and extracurricular activities. She was also engaged as student demonstrator at the Department of Clinical and Health Psychology. Matea is the co-author of the research-educational project “Pandemic and I, psychological aspects of the crisis caused by the pandemic virus COVID-19”. She also worked with children with special needs and behavioral problems at the Centre for Education „Juraj Bonači“ in Split. Her interests are developmental and clinical psychology. Matea sees the work on the project as an excellent opportunity for, first of all, cooperation with an excellent team, and then further acquisition of knowledge and development of different skills.

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