Prisustvovali smo predavanjima u sklopu javne rasprave pod nazivom „Problematic Internet Use in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic“ organizacije COST zadužene za financiranje istraživanja iz znanosti i tehnologije. Predavanja su bila usmjerena na prikaz problematičnog korištenja interneta, kao i problematičnih ponašanja na internetu za vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19. Uz to, autori predavanja su dali savjete i upute za sigurnije korištenje digitalne tehnologije i interneta u ovom specifičnom vremenu pandemije. Navodili su kako u vrijeme ispunjeno stresom u kojem je nužno održavanje distance od drugih ljudi, korištenje interneta može biti učinkovit način nošenja sa stresom, ali i neučinkovit ako se npr. prekomjerno igraju igrice i/ili kocka i kladi putem interneta. Na fotografijama se mogu vidjeti sve teme predavanja.
We attended lectures as part of a public meeting entitled “Problematic Internet Use in the time of the COVID-19 pandemic” organized by COST organization in charge of funding research in science and technology. The lectures focused on the problematic use of the Internet, as well as problematic behaviors on the Internet during the COVID-19 pandemic. The authors of the lectures gave advices and instructions for safer use of digital technology and the Internet during the current pandemic. They stated that in this time filled with stress in which it is necessary to keep distance from other people, the use of the Internet can at the same time be an effective way to deal with stress, but also ineffective if one excessively plays games and/or gambles. All the topics of the lecture can be seen in the photos.
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