Prisustvovali smo predstavljanju nove knjige „Parenting for a digital future: how hopes and fears about technology shape children’s lives“ autorica Alicie Blum-Ross i Sonie Livingstone. Autorice u knjizi pišu o načinu na koji se roditelji nose s brzim promjenama digitalne tehnologije, koliko im je teško balansirati između dopuštanja i zabrane korištenja digitalne tehnologije kod djece te na koji način roditelji doživljavaju digitalnu tehnologiju općenito.
U knjizi se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja sa 73 obitelji. Autorice su istraživanje provele koristeći metodu intervjua, posebno se usmjeravajući na roditelje i njihova iskustva s korištenjem digitalne tehnologije i korištenjem digitalne tehnologije njihove djece. Ova knjiga donosi nove spoznaje o korištenju digitalne tehnologije u obiteljskom kontekstu, posebno u aspektu roditeljstva, te daje smjernice za buduća istraživanja, ali i za preporuke za stručnjake u području razvoja djece i obitelji.
We attended the online presentation of the new book “Parenting for a digital future: how hopes and fears about technology shape children’s lives” by Alicia Blum-Ross and Sonia Livingstone. The authors write about the way parents cope with fast changes in digital technology, how difficult it is for them to balance between allowing and restricting the use of digital technology for their children and how parents perceive digital technology in general.
The book presents the research results with 73 families. The authors conducted the research with interviews, focusing on parents and their experiences with use of digital technology and use of digital technology by their children. This book brings new insights into the use of digital technology in the family context, especially in the aspect of parenting, and provides guidelines for future research and recommendations for experts in the field of child and family development.
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